Businesses that rely on web traffic have a vested interest in attracting prospective customers to their websites.
Organic traffic, which is considered to be people who visit a web page by clicking on a link from a search engine. That’s the kind of traffic you want on your website.
It isn’t always easy to know exactly how to attract organic traffic, especially while remaining in budget. Luckily, they’re an endless amount of ways to market your website. So many in fact, that we’d never have enough time or room to discuss them all.
Which is why we picked our top 4.
4 Ways to Effectively Market Your Website
Choose Long Tail Keywords
Keywords always need to be appropriate to the content of a website. The quality of those keywords is important.
Choosing longer phrases rather than single words as keywords is a great way to attract people to a website. A search engine will list a website on its results page when a keyword search is done for a particular phrase.
Long tail keywords provide better combinations of words and phrases that people are more likely to search for. So, long tail keywords provide more options for Internet surfers to make it to your website.
Participate in Social Media
Social media is here and it’s not going anywhere.
It’s wise to use it to your advantage. Using sites such Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest can help drive traffic and make it easier to market your website. Having a presence within social media makes it easy for prospective customers to find a business.
Let’s be honest, they’ll search you for you on Google or Facebook first.
Use the sites to keep people updated on what the company is doing and make sure there are plenty of links and other ways to access the website. You’d be surprised how much of your traffic on the site comes from using social media to market your website.
Keep Content Fresh
Keeping content fresh keeps people coming back to see what’s new. Search engines like fresh content and consider it a good step for getting people to visit a website.
When a website is regularly updated, it will become indexed. That results in a higher ranking for it on the search engine. The higher ranking will ultimately result in increased traffic to the website.
Build Links
Another way businesses can boost organic traffic to their website is to link back from other sites. Google and other search engines consider links to be evidence that a site is popular and people consider the information on it to be important.
A great way to accomplish this is to write guest blogs with embedded links on other sites.
The best part? Guest bloggers will help market your website by sharing the content they wrote for you. Businesses that take this road should be sure the sites that are chosen to link from are in good standing with major search engines.
No matter what direction you look at it from, you need to market your website.
Luckily, our list includes just a few ways to drive traffic and the possibilities are endless.
(Want a few more ways?[ We’ve got 73])
More important than marketing your website is making sure you do correctly.
You cannot afford to throw shots in the dark when it comes to marketing your website. The majority of the time, it’s harder to repair marketing gone wrong than to improve your current tactics.
Make sure your team is versed, educated, and innovative so that you market your website the RIGHT way.
Recommended Reading: Supply, Demand and Why You Need a Marketing Plan
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