Websites are perhaps the most overlooked vehicle of advertising for local, owner-operated businesses. Yes, every retailer needs one. Every dentist, lawyer, accountant and minister needs one. Every café, restaurant, coffee shop and nightclub needs one. Every wholesale supply company needs one. I’m not suggesting that all these businesses need to actually transact business online. I’m […]
Responsive Web Development
FAQs About Building An Online Presence For Small Businesses
If you could ask an online expert about maximizing your small business’ online presence, what would you ask? As the leader of a company that has more than three million small business customers, I’m approached time and time again for advice about how to set up a small business for success online — many times […]
How Small Business Owners Are Wrecking Their Own Chances Of Success
A couple of weeks ago, I found myself drawn to an article on Amex Open Forum. The link to get to it was titled “Are You An Ignorant Small Business Owner?” Certainly not!, I huffed. Then – Wait, am I? Having read the article, by marketing specialist Rieva Lesonsky, I was relieved to discover that […]
How the Tech Revolution Straight Up Bypassed Most Small Businesses
It’s cheap. It’s easy to do. And it can take less than 20 minutes to set up. Yet more than half of all small businesses still don’t have a website. “It’s just ridiculous,” says Jim Blasingame, a small business author and radio show host. “Every small business needs a website. Period. Nonnegotiable.” Small businesses that […]
8 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Professional Website
Like many small business owners, you may believe your business cannot benefit from having a website or that a website is not within your budget. Or maybe you think because you don’t use a computer, neither do your potential customers. These are misconceptions. These 8 reasons show why your company NEEDS a professional website, no […]
How To Successfully Design High Conversion Forms
There are an almost-infinite number of well-written “best practice” articles on the subject of form design that focus on usability, layouts, and length. These articles tend to dive deep into UX tactics to increase form completion. While these tactical recommendations are an important piece of the puzzle, these articles often neglect to provide a larger […]