Facebook advertising saves us and our customers who purchase our retargeting service tons of money on advertising.
Facebook has every means necessary for you to find your audience, which makes it the perfect place to engage with your audience organically, and then sell to them later once you know exactly what they want and what drives them.
It allows you to pin-point down to the minute detail, which increases your ROI!
Sure, saving money on advertising is great, but it’s not the only objective of a great Facebook campaign.
Here are 10 of the most effective Facebook advertising tips, which are part of the strategies we use to grow businesses.
Nail Down Your Objective
What is the purpose of your ad? Nailing down your objective is important, because this will determine what kinds of people you’ll be targeting.
Are you trying to get new people to like your page?
If so, you’ll need to use Facebook’s Audience Insights (which we’ll get to soon) to find audiences of those who have shown interest in brands and interests similar to yours.
Are you trying to sell a specific product?
With Audience Insights, you’ll be able to target a specific group within your audience, who may have clicked on a blog post featuring that product, or any type of post that refers to something the product does.
These are just 2 examples for things you can do with an ad.
Nail down what you need to do, and then you can hand pick which people will be able to see your ad.
Use Audience Insights
Before you create an ad, you need make sure you’re targeting the right people.
You need to be as specific as possible in selecting the right audience, because that means your ad will most likely be very successful, and not as expensive as it would have been.
“Audience Insights lets you learn about your target audience so you can create more relevant content for them.
With Audience Insights, you’ll be able to see:
Demographic information about your target audience, including trends about age and gender, relationship status, and job roles.
Lifestyle and interest information about your target audience.
Purchase information about your target audience, including online purchase behavior, which categories they’re mostly likely to buy in, and location data that may help you identify where to run special promotions or host events.”
– (Facebook)
Once you have all of this vital information, you can create much more targeted (successful) ads.
Create Finely-Tuned Ads
With your audiences pin-pointed, you can create ads that will catch their eyes and make them want to click, whether you want people to like your page, buy a product, download your lead magnet, or just click through and visit a blog post.
Let’s say, you sell jewelry.
Your audience is composed of men and women. You would get more clicks if you targeted the men in your audience with an ad featuring men’s jewelry, than if you displayed the ad to everyone in your audience, thus wasting money.
Now, let’s say the women in your audience have purchased more than the men. You might want to target the women in your Facebook audience more often.
Split Test Ads
You can run two separate ads at once to glean even more insight into what drives your audience to take action.
Once you know which one worked better, you’ll know what to do more of next time.
For example, you used different tones in the copy of the ad. One is more “fear based” and another is more “gain based”.
You would see which ad was more successful, and use the same angle again in your next ad campaign.
You should also test different types of images in your ads.
Content First
One of the most important Facebook advertising tips: Content First.
This means that most purchases are made after a prospect is educated about your product or service.
Prime your audience with blog posts and lead magnets (free downloads, often in exchange for their contact information) before attempting to send them to a page where they can buy something.
The subject matter of the content and who clicks on these posts will also help you target.
Getting back to the jewelry seller example:
If you write a post about ring displays and share it on Facebook, you would target the people who engaged with that post (clicked on it, liked it, shared it, etc.) with an ad to purchase a ring display from you.
Content first also means that your big ticket items (your core offers) will be more successful if they are on a landing page, with plenty of educational content leading up to the offer.
Take Control of Your Budget
Use Facebook’s Optimized CPM tool (Clicks Per Mille) when creating your ad.
This great tool gives Facebook permission to bid for ad space, with your specific, customized criteria and goals.
oCPM is perfect to start with, because it will keep you from overspending, and make sure you get the most out of your budget.
If you use all of these Facebook advertising tips together, you’ll be able to get great value out of your Facebook audience.
Don’t forget: Always put the needs and wants of your audience first.
Find out exactly what they want, and they’ll give you what you want. The more effort and value you put in first, the better the outcome.
If you want help with strategizing your Facebook ad campaigns, or if you just want someone to do it for you, we can help!
Here’s where to start:
Schedule a free 30-minute strategy session and get a Double Your Sales Review!
Click here to schedule the time you want…
…and one of our Facebook advertising growth hackers will give you a call.