When trying to get your brand or product out there, promotions through email marketing strategies can go wrong quickly.
While utilizing email blasts and newsletters can be a great way to build your brand, there is a thin line between informing and badgering. What’s worse than an email strategy that doesn’t make you money? One that annoys your customers until they stop clicking altogether.
Of course, you start off with great intentions: you only want to get your name out there!
At the same time, you’re going about it all wrong.
We live in a world where consumers have the world at their fingertips in the form of a smartphone device. With so much information coming and going, consumers don’t have the time to stop and read your newsletter.
Your daily newsletter, offer, or email promo.
When targeting audiences it is important to be clear about your message and encode it efficiently so it can be decoded effectively. Here are three reasons why your email strategy is currently failing you.
- You send way too many emails
The contacts on your email list are golden.
They can either help grow your brand or break it. With that being said, it’s important not to get over-excited to communicate with your audience by bombarding them with emails. It’s not necessary to send an email everyday to keep your customers interested.
In fact, your audience probably feels too overwhelmed to even keep up that they don’t even want to open up your emails.
That can quickly turn into a high volume of unsubscriptions and no one wants that. You don’t want your audience to regret inviting you into their inbox. Try curating a weekly newsletter that highlights the top content and news about your brand.
- Your emails don’t offer value to your customer
Upon opening your emails, what does it look like? Are there pictures? Is there color? Is there only text? Are there several calls-to-action?
What’s keeping readership and what’s driving them away?
If your emails only talk about your product or brand, you will lose your contact’s interest. Customers don’t want to be presented with links to click on; they want to be given a reason to do so. Engage with your contacts: present content to them in a way that they can relate to it.
- Your subject line is misleading instead of captivating
It is important to give your audience a reason to even open your emails.
No, utilizing an outlandish title is not the way to do so. While the most obvious way to grab the attention of the contacts on your email list is by creating a catchy subject line, it’s important not to over do it. An intriguing subject line needs to do more than garner attention.
Utilize a title to get your audience excited then, follow-up on that inspired emotion with content that will increase it.
Once you know what’s wrong with your email strategy, you can start working to make it better. What did you learn today?
Recommended Reading: How to Write Subject Lines and When to Step Away from Your Email Campaigns
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