First impressions are the make-it or break-it interaction with another person or a business, and if they’re not impressive they are likely forgotten.
When it comes to email marketing, this statement couldn’t be more accurate.
By the way, the body of the email needs to be crafted to hook them in the best way possible.
If you need help with that, we have the perfect FREE template for you right here. It’s called The Ultimate First Impression Email, and it works every time, no matter what kind of business you run.
With all the spam or junk mail people receive every day, it has become a ritual to automatically delete emails from senders you don’t recognize or that have what seems to be a promotional subject line.
Statistics shows that the average person receives approximately 147 emails per day and deletes 48% of them within the first 10 minutes.
That means that nearly half of the messages received go unread.
Many users adjust their settings so that they only see messages from known senders and recognized subscription services. Unfortunately, the abundance of junk mail makes it hard for businesses or services to reach out to their target consumers with great offers because people have become accustomed to deleting their mail before opening it.
So what can you do to better your chances of someone opening mail you send?
Being that the subject line of the message is one of the first items that catches the scanning eyes, creating captivating subject lines should increase the chances of your mail getting the user’s attention. Here are some tips to consider when constructing subject lines:
- Put yourself in the email user’s shoes. Think about the words in a subject line that would cause you to turn your attention immediately away from the email, and instead would quickly cause you to click delete. Be clear on your intent and stay away from trying to be too personal or “cutesy” with the wording. As appealing as it may seem, it’s not and it will quickly make your reader disinterested. A study lead by AWeber Communications stated that clear subject lines get 541% more clicks than the clever ones.
- Stay away from the three most detested words in email subject lines: Help, reminder, and percent off. These words immediately translate to “I am spam, do not open me.”
- Keep your subject line to the point. Bear in mind that smartphones and other mobile devices are the most popular way to read emails initially today, so you want to make sure your subject line isn’t cut off from the smaller screens.
- Try to use call to action techniques by using words such as “important” and “urgent.” You can also say something like “we need to hear back from you” because most people are programmed to respond to words that trigger them to take action.
If you are running out of creative ways to capture your audience’s attention, you can always use a topic generator to assist you.
You can use your favorite search engine online to find one that works for you. Here is one to get you started:
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