Yes. Mobile phones are quickly encompassing the future of the internet.
Take a moment to look around you. It isn’t very hard to find someone glued to their phone is it?
Well, that’s exactly why smart business owners are starting to open their eyes to the glorious profit maximizer that fits in their pocket: the mobile phone.
However, it’s not limited to just cell phones. Smartphones, Tablets, eReaders, and other devices all play a part in the rapidly changing face of the internet.
Which is exactly why it’s time to invest in mobile app marketing.
In fact, the numbers may be higher than you think.
Take a look at the Pew Research Center’s Mobile Technology Fact Sheet
As of October 2014:
64% of American adults own a smartphone.
As of January 2014:
- 90% of American adults own a cell phone
- 32% of American adults own an e-reader
- 42% of American adults own a tablet computer
Some smartphone owners — particularly younger adults, minorities and lower-income Americans — depend on their smartphone for internet access. Of U.S. adults who own a smartphone, 7% are “smartphone-dependent.”
- 67% of cell owners find themselves checking their phone for messages, alerts, or calls — even when they don’t notice their phone ringing or vibrating.
- 44% of cell owners have slept with their phone next to their bed because they wanted to make sure they didn’t miss any calls, text messages, or other updates during the night.
- 29% of cell owners describe their cell phone as “something they can’t imagine living without.”
Did you miss that last part? 29% of all cell phone owners say their mobile device is something they can’t imagine living without.
With a statistic like that, it’s easy to see why so many software providers and businesses are setting their sights towards total mobile capability. Furthermore, it’s easy to understand why the world’s most popular search engine would create an algorithm that rewards those with mobile capability.
ALERT: Google Will Destroy Your Ranking
Just in case you’ve been sleeping under a rock, here’s a quick overview of Google’s latest update in April from The Official Google WebMaster Central Blog:
How Mobile App Marketing is Important
1. More mobile-friendly websites in search results
Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in our search results. Consequently, users will find it easier to get relevant, high-quality search results that are optimized for their devices.
To get help with making a mobile-friendly site, check out our guide to mobile-friendly sites. If you’re a webmaster, you can get ready for this change by using the following tools to see how Googlebot views your pages:
- If you want to test a few pages, you can use the Mobile-Friendly Test.
- If you have a site, you can use your Webmaster Tools account to get a full list of mobile usability issues across your site using the Mobile Usability Report.
2. More relevant app content in search results
Starting today, we will begin to use information from indexed apps as a factor in ranking for signed-in users who have the app installed. As a result, we may now surface content from indexed apps more prominently in the search. To find out how to implement App Indexing, which allows us to surface this information in search results, have a look at ourstep-by-step guide on the developer site.
If you have questions about either mobile-friendly websites or app indexing, we’re always happy to chat in ourWebmaster Help Forum.”
Starting to get the picture? Mobile use is the future of internet use and thus, mobile app development should be a part of your marketing plan.
Planning Your Mobile App Development
Luckily, mobile apps take the focus off of creative and captivating design and set the focus on maneuverability. Which means as long as you have your path and a plan, your mobile app marketing success is easily attained. That being said, it’s easy to make mistakes when you’re not properly prepared to launch mobile app marketing.
Consider the following:
- What’s the mobile app for? Even if your mobile app makes Beyonce look basic, a mobile app without a goal is useless. You may even refer to it as a one-hit-wonder. After all, who’s visiting a second time?
- Who will be using it? Develop your mobile app with the visitor in mind. Who’s the target? (Hint: These are the same people you should use to test your app.)
- Coordinate the Team. Make sure your tech and sales team are fully in tune with one another during construction. Why? Because the tech guys will make it happen and the sales team will let them know exactly how the customer wants it.
- Plan your platform releases. What platform will you release on? Though most people go iOS, it’s important to remember that everyone’s target market is different.
- How does your mobile app fit into your marketing plan? Not only will a mobile app add another touchpoint on the customer journey, it will also introduce another ‘product or service’ to market.
If you’re looking for design advice, read our blog post on design elements here.
Mobile app marketing will add another dimension to your business that adds direct value for your visitors. As technology moves forward, rest assured that mobile capability will rule the search engines and dominate the playing field. Implementing mobile app marketing into your plan of action is more than a good move, it’s necessary. After all, why would you invest in a web presence that no one sees?