Which social media channels to use?
Right now, we’re going to talk about how to get the most social media traffic to your website as possible.
These popular social media channels can be divided up into 2 categories
These are how you should think of them when using them, because this is how your potential customers will be using them.
There is one exception: Instagram.
Instagram is a hybrid, because people use it to both search for things, and to engage with others.
One main goal if you have a website, is to get social media traffic to your website every day.
You can use this helpful infographic from Hash Meta as a reference.
Take what these social channels have to offer, and then you can make a plan of attack for the best ways you can direct traffic to your main website.
Want to communicate with your consumers in the most unobtrusive way? Give them some useful info on Facebook and link it back to your website.
Google Plus isn’t for everybody and the competition is low. This is a great opportunity for networking and engaging with the right people.
Take pictures and videos that your target market will relate to and post them on Instagram.
(Don’t forget to Hashtag!)
Important note: At the time of writing this blog, Instagram has not yet included the ability to place a web link in a caption. But it’s coming soon!
Is your target market largely female?
You’ll need to create a well fleshed out Pinterest account, with helpful board full of great ideas. Post some of your stuff from your website there as well.
Check out our other blog posts on social media to get started: