Customer Adventure Score Result HiddenScoreHiddenAwarenessHiddenEngageHiddenSubscribeHiddenConvertHiddenExciteHiddenAscendHiddenAdvocateHiddenPromoteHiddenLowest ValueHiddenEmail HiddenLowest Stage Your Customer Is Lost Your Customer Is Off The Grid Your Customer Has Been Spotted Your Customer Has Been Marked Safe Your Customer Is On Course YOUR SCORE:/80You need the most help with: Awareness Stage WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:AWARENESS STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare You need the most help with: Engagement Stage WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:ENGAGEMENT STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare You need the most help with: Subscribe Stage WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:SUBSCRIBE STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare You need the most help with: Convert Stage WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:CONVERT STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare You need the most help with: Excite Stage WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:EXCITE STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare You need the most help with: Ascend Stage WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:ASCEND STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare You need the most help with: Advocate Stage WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:ADVOCATE STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare You need the most help with: Promote Stage WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:PROMOTE STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare YOUR SCORE:/80 The Customer Adventure Score is all about outlining the journey your ideal customer takes from being a stranger to your product or service to becoming a loyal, regular customer who can’t wait to tell their friends about you. And like anyone embarking on a journey, your customer needs a clear, straight path to travel. Imagine your customer is standing on the edge of a canyon. Way over on the other side, almost so far they can’t see it, is the ideal after state your product or service will bring them. Your customer has only 2 options for making it to that destination: Take the long way around. Walk thousands of miles and waste months or years on your journey. Build a bridge. The quickest way to get from one point to another is a straight line, right? Clearly, the bridge is the easiest way to take your customers to their destination. But if you have bridges on their journey that are half-built, deteriorating or just not even there to begin with, their journey becomes dangerous and difficult and their chances of a safe arrival are slim. Our Customer Value Journey consists of 8 bridges your customer crosses on their journey. Your Adventure Score results reveal which of those bridges are safe to travel and which are preventing your customer from reaching their goal. The Customer Adventure Score is all about outlining the journey your ideal customer takes from being a stranger to your product or service to becoming a loyal, regular customer who can’t wait to tell their friends about you. And like anyone embarking on a journey, your customer needs a clear, straight path to travel. Imagine your customer is standing on the edge of a canyon. Way over on the other side, almost so far you can’t see it, is the ideal after state your product or service will bring them. Your customer has only 2 options for making it to that destination: Take the long way around. Walk thousands of miles and waste months or years on your journey. Build a bridge. The quickest way to get from one point to another is a straight line, right? Clearly, the bridge is the easiest way to take your customers to their destination. But if you have bridges on the road they’re traveling that are half-built, deteriorating or just not even there to begin with, their journey becomes dangerous and difficult and their chances of a safe arrival are slim. Our Customer Value Journey consists of 8 bridges your customer crosses on their journey. Your Adventure Score results reveal which of those bridges are safe to travel and which are preventing your customer from reaching their goal. The Customer Adventure Score is all about outlining the journey your ideal customer takes from being a stranger to your product or service to becoming a loyal, regular customer who can’t wait to tell their friends about you. And like anyone embarking on a journey, your customer needs a clear, straight path to travel. Imagine your customer is standing on the edge of a grand canyon. Way over on the other side, almost so far they can’t see it, is the ideal after state your product or service will bring them. Your customer has only 2 options for making it to that destination: Take the long way around. Walk thousands of miles and waste months or years on your journey. Build a bridge. The quickest way to get from one point to another is a straight line, right? Clearly, the bridge is the easiest way to take your customers to their destination. But if you have bridges on the road they’re traveling that are half-built, deteriorating or just not even there to begin with, their journey becomes dangerous and difficult and their chances of a safe arrival are slim. Our Customer Value Journey consists of 8 bridges your customer crosses on their journey. Your Adventure Score results reveal which of those bridges are safe to travel and which are preventing your customer from reaching their goal. The Customer Adventure Score is all about outlining the journey your ideal customer takes from being a stranger to your product or service to becoming a loyal, regular customer who can’t wait to tell their friends about you. And like anyone embarking on a journey, your customer needs a clear, straight path to travel. Imagine your customer is standing on the edge of a canyon. Way over on the other side, almost so far they can’t see it, is the ideal after state your product or service will bring them. Your customer has only 2 options for making it to that destination: Take the long way around. Walk thousands of miles and waste months or years on your journey. Build a bridge. The quickest way to get from one point to another is a straight line, right? Clearly, the bridge is the easiest way to take your customers to their destination. But if you have bridges on the road they’re traveling that are half-built, deteriorating or just not even there to begin with, their journey becomes dangerous and difficult and their chances of a safe arrival are slim. Our Customer Value Journey consists of 8 bridges your customer crosses on their journey. Your Adventure Score results reveal which of those bridges are safe to travel and which are preventing your customer from reaching their goal. The Customer Adventure Score is all about outlining the journey your ideal customer takes from being a stranger to your product or service to becoming a loyal, regular customer who can’t wait to tell their friends about you. And like anyone embarking on a journey, your customer needs a clear, straight path to travel. Imagine your customer is standing on the edge of a canyon. Way over on the other side, almost so far they can’t see it, is the ideal after state your product or service will bring them. Your customer has only 2 options for making it to that destination: Take the long way around. Walk thousands of miles and waste months or years on your journey. Build a bridge. The quickest way to get from one point to another is a straight line, right? Clearly, the bridge is the easiest way to take your customers to their destination. But if you have bridges on the road they’re traveling that are half-built, deteriorating or just not even there to begin with, their journey becomes dangerous and difficult and their chances of a safe arrival are slim. Our Customer Value Journey consists of 8 bridges your customer crosses on their journey. Your Adventure Score results reveal which of those bridges are safe to travel and which are preventing your customer from reaching their goal. SCHEDULE MY COMPLIMENTARY GROWTH AUDIT NOW Review your Results on Each Individual Stage in the Customer Value Journeyor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Rating Awareness YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. People with your score typically need to hone their approach to spreading awareness by targeting the specific places where their ideal customers hang out. Facebook ads are a great approach to this, as they allow you to target just the right audiences based on demographics, interests, gender, location and other crucial factors. You can also investigate search engine optimization, doing keyword research and strategically placing high-ranking words in your website’s written content. Awareness YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. People with your score typically need to hone their approach to spreading awareness by targeting the specific places where their ideal customers hang out. Facebook ads are a great approach to this, as they allow you to target just the right audiences based on demographics, interests, gender, location and other crucial factors. You can also investigate search engine optimization, doing keyword research and strategically placing high-ranking words in your website’s written content. Awareness YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. People with your score typically need to hone their approach to spreading awareness by targeting the specific places where their ideal customers hang out. Facebook ads are a great approach to this, as they allow you to target just the right audiences based on demographics, interests, gender, location and other crucial factors. You can also investigate search engine optimization, doing keyword research and strategically placing high-ranking words in your website’s written content. Awareness YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. People with your score typically need to hone their approach to spreading awareness by targeting the specific places where their ideal customers hang out. Facebook ads are a great approach to this, as they allow you to target just the right audiences based on demographics, interests, gender, location and other crucial factors. You can also investigate search engine optimization, doing keyword research and strategically placing high-ranking words in your website’s written content. Engagement YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers cross the bridge from finding out who you are to actively getting more information. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading reviews. Having great content on your website and social media is crucial for getting people to engage. People who receive this score usually have a website and a Facebook page, but aren’t doing as much to create compelling content as they should be. To fortify this bridge, consider what content you already have and how could you create an even more appealing experience for your potential customers with a diverse array of written, video and graphic content that speaks to their unique needs and pain points. Engagement YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers cross the bridge from finding out who you are to actively getting more information. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading reviews. Having great content on your website and social media is crucial for getting people to engage. People who receive this score usually have a website and a Facebook page, but aren’t doing as much to create compelling content as they should be. To fortify this bridge, consider what content you already have and how could you create an even more appealing experience for your potential customers with a diverse array of written, video and graphic content that speaks to their unique needs and pain points. Engagement YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers cross the bridge from finding out who you are to actively getting more information. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading reviews. Having great content on your website and social media is crucial for getting people to engage. People who receive this score usually have a website and a Facebook page, but aren’t doing as much to create compelling content as they should be. To fortify this bridge, consider what content you already have and how could you create an even more appealing experience for your potential customers with a diverse array of written, video and graphic content that speaks to their unique needs and pain points. Engagement YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers cross the bridge from finding out who you are to actively getting more information. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading reviews. Having great content on your website and social media is crucial for getting people to engage. People who receive this score usually have a website and a Facebook page, but aren’t doing as much to create compelling content as they should be. To fortify this bridge, consider what content you already have and how could you create an even more appealing experience for your potential customers with a diverse array of written, video and graphic content that speaks to their unique needs and pain points. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows you do not have a lead magnet, and therefore, putting this bridge in place should be a top priority for you. Consider what piece of content, such as a guide, checklist or template, you could offer in exchange for contact information. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows you do not have a lead magnet, and therefore, putting this bridge in place should be a top priority for you. Consider what piece of content, such as a guide, checklist or template, you could offer in exchange for contact information. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows you do not have a lead magnet, and therefore, putting this bridge in place should be a top priority for you. Consider what piece of content, such as a guide, checklist or template, you could offer in exchange for contact information. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows that you already have a way to gather customer information...but how well is it working? Does it help resolve a pain point or problem your customer struggles with? Is the information presented in a useful format like a guide or a checklist? Even if you’re happy with its performance, keep exploring ways to make it even more effective. Convert YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve only recently learned who you are is a tough sell. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship and gaining trust. If you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journey. Convert YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve only recently learned who you are is a tough sell. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship and gaining trust. If you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journey. Convert YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve only recently learned who you are is a tough sell. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship and gaining trust. If you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journey. Convert YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve only recently learned who you are is a tough sell. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship and gaining trust. If you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journey.Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Excite YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Content is a great way to build a stronger bridge toward creating excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Excite YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Content is a great way to build a stronger bridge toward creating excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Excite YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Content is a great way to build a stronger bridge toward creating excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Excite YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Content is a great way to build a stronger bridge toward creating excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Ascend YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make a second purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. Start thinking about what other products or services you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Ascend YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make a second purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. Start thinking about what other products or services you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Ascend YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make a second purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. Start thinking about what other products or services you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Ascend YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make a second purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. Start thinking about what other products or services you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Advocate YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. For many people who achieve your overall score, this is a bridge that still needs to be completed—and because it helps get the word out about your business, it’s a crucial one. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Advocate YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. For many people who achieve your overall score, this is a bridge that still needs to be completed—and because it helps get the word out about your business, it’s a crucial one. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Advocate YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. For many people who achieve your overall score, this is a bridge that still needs to be completed—and because it helps get the word out about your business, it’s a crucial one. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Advocate YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. For many people who achieve your overall score, this is a bridge that still needs to be completed—and because it helps get the word out about your business, it’s a crucial one. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Promote YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for the customer. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger the bridge between each stage is, the bigger their adventure will be. Promote YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for the customer. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger the bridge between each stage is, the bigger their adventure will be. Promote YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for the customer. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger the bridge between each stage is, the bigger their adventure will be. Promote YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for the customer. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger the bridge between each stage is, the bigger their adventure will be.or Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Rating Awareness YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. People with your overall score typically need to hone their approach to spreading awareness by targeting the specific places where their ideal customers hang out. Facebook ads are a great approach to this, as they allow you to target just the right audiences based on demographics, interests, gender, location and other crucial factors. You can also investigate search engine optimization, doing keyword research and strategically placing high-ranking words in your website’s written content. Awareness YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. People with your overall score typically need to hone their approach to spreading awareness by targeting the specific places where their ideal customers hang out. Facebook ads are a great approach to this, as they allow you to target just the right audiences based on demographics, interests, gender, location and other crucial factors. You can also investigate search engine optimization, doing keyword research and strategically placing high-ranking words in your website’s written content. Awareness YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. People with your overall score typically need to hone their approach to spreading awareness by targeting the specific places where their ideal customers hang out. Facebook ads are a great approach to this, as they allow you to target just the right audiences based on demographics, interests, gender, location and other crucial factors. You can also investigate search engine optimization, doing keyword research and strategically placing high-ranking words in your website’s written content. Awareness YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. People with your overall score typically need to hone their approach to spreading awareness by targeting the specific places where their ideal customers hang out. Facebook ads are a great approach to this, as they allow you to target just the right audiences based on demographics, interests, gender, location and other crucial factors. You can also investigate search engine optimization, doing keyword research and strategically placing high-ranking words in your website’s written content. Engagement YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading aa review. Having great content on your website and social media is crucial for getting people to engage. People who receive this score usually have a website and a Facebook page, but aren’t doing as much to create compelling content as they should be. To fortify this bridge, consider what content you already have and how could you create an even more appealing experience for your potential customers with a diverse array of written, video and graphic content that speaks to their unique needs and pain points. Engagement YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading aa review. Having great content on your website and social media is crucial for getting people to engage. People who receive this score usually have a website and a Facebook page, but aren’t doing as much to create compelling content as they should be. To fortify this bridge, consider what content you already have and how could you create an even more appealing experience for your potential customers with a diverse array of written, video and graphic content that speaks to their unique needs and pain points. Engagement YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading aa review. Having great content on your website and social media is crucial for getting people to engage. People who receive this score usually have a website and a Facebook page, but aren’t doing as much to create compelling content as they should be. To fortify this bridge, consider what content you already have and how could you create an even more appealing experience for your potential customers with a diverse array of written, video and graphic content that speaks to their unique needs and pain points. Engagement YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading a review. Having great content on your website and social media is crucial for getting people to engage. People who receive this score usually have a website and a Facebook page, but aren’t doing as much to create compelling content as they should be. To fortify this bridge, consider what content you already have and how could you create an even more appealing experience for your potential customers with a diverse array of written, video and graphic content that speaks to their unique needs and pain points. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Most people with your overall score don’t have a lead magnet, and if you don’t, putting this bridge in place should be a top priority for you. Consider what piece of content, such as a guide, checklist or template, you could offer in exchange for contact information. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Most people with your overall score don’t have a lead magnet, and if you don’t, putting this bridge in place should be a top priority for you. Consider what piece of content, such as a guide, checklist or template, you could offer in exchange for contact information. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Most people with your overall score don’t have a lead magnet, and if you don’t, putting this bridge in place should be a top priority for you. Consider what piece of content, such as a guide, checklist or template, you could offer in exchange for contact information. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Most people with your overall score don’t have a lead magnet, and if you don’t, putting this bridge in place should be a top priority for you. Consider what piece of content, such as a guide, checklist or template, you could offer in exchange for contact information. Convert YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve only recently learned who you are is a tough sell. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship and gaining trust. If you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journey. Convert YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve only recently learned who you are is a tough sell. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship and gaining trust. If you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journey. Convert YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve only recently learned who you are is a tough sell. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship and gaining trust. If you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journey. Convert YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve only recently learned who you are is a tough sell. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship and gaining trust. If you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journey.Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Excite YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Content is a great way to build a stronger bridge toward creating excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Excite YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Content is a great way to build a stronger bridge toward creating excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Excite YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Content is a great way to build a stronger bridge toward creating excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Excite YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Content is a great way to build a stronger bridge toward creating excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Ascend YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make another purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. Start thinking about what other products or services you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Ascend YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make another purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. Start thinking about what other products or services you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Ascend YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make another purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. Start thinking about what other products or services you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Ascend YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make another purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. Start thinking about what other products or services you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Advocate YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. For many people who achieve your overall score, this is a bridge that still needs to be completed—and because it helps get the word out about your business, it’s a crucial one. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Advocate YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. For many people who achieve your overall score, this is a bridge that still needs to be completed—and because it helps get the word out about your business, it’s a crucial one. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Advocate YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. For many people who achieve your overall score, this is a bridge that still needs to be completed—and because it helps get the word out about your business, it’s a crucial one. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Advocate Advocate YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. For many people who achieve your overall score, this is a bridge that still needs to be completed—and because it helps get the word out about your business, it’s a crucial one. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Promote YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for your customer. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger the bridge between each stage is, the bigger their adventure will be. Promote YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for your customer. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger the bridge between each stage is, the bigger their adventure will be. Promote YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for your customer. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger the bridge between each stage is, the bigger their adventure will be. Promote YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for your customer. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger the bridge between each stage is, the bigger their adventure will be.or Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Rating Awareness YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. Based on your results, you likely have some tools in place to create awareness. However, you could use some recalculating to make sure your ideal customers start their journey to begin with. For example, you might be using Facebook ads or search engine optimization, but aren’t getting the results you want. This could be because your ad audience needs some refining or you haven’t quite hit on the right keywords for your prospects to find you. Awareness YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. Based on your results, you likely have some tools in place to create awareness. However, you could use some recalculating to make sure your ideal customers start their journey to begin with. For example, you might be using Facebook ads or search engine optimization, but aren’t getting the results you want. This could be because your ad audience needs some refining or you haven’t quite hit on the right keywords for your prospects to find you. Awareness YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. Based on your results, you likely have some tools in place to create awareness. However, you could use some recalculating to make sure your ideal customers start their journey to begin with. For example, you might be using Facebook ads or search engine optimization, but aren’t getting the results you want. This could be because your ad audience needs some refining or you haven’t quite hit on the right keywords for your prospects to find you. Awareness YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. Based on your results, you likely have some tools in place to create awareness. However, you could use some recalculating to make sure your ideal customers start their journey to begin with. For example, you might be using Facebook ads or search engine optimization, but aren’t getting the results you want. This could be because your ad audience needs some refining or you haven’t quite hit on the right keywords for your prospects to find you. Engagement YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading aa review. Based on your score, you probably already have a website and some pretty good content in place. However, there’s always room to get creative. Are there any pop culture trends that your customers are into that you can base content around? Can you adapt a viral meme to somehow fit your product or service? Creative, relevant content is critical to getting engagement and completing this bridge. Engagement YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading aa review. Based on your score, you probably already have a website and some pretty good content in place. However, there’s always room to get creative. Are there any pop culture trends that your customers are into that you can base content around? Can you adapt a viral meme to somehow fit your product or service? Creative, relevant content is critical to getting engagement and completing this bridge. Engagement YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading aa review. Based on your score, you probably already have a website and some pretty good content in place. However, there’s always room to get creative. Are there any pop culture trends that your customers are into that you can base content around? Can you adapt a viral meme to somehow fit your product or service? Creative, relevant content is critical to getting engagement and completing this bridge. Engagement YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading aa review. Based on your score, you probably already have a website and some pretty good content in place. However, there’s always room to get creative. Are there any pop culture trends that your customers are into that you can base content around? Can you adapt a viral meme to somehow fit your product or service? Creative, relevant content is critical to getting engagement and completing this bridge. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows that you already have a way to gather customer information...but how well is it working? Does it help resolve a pain point or problem your customer struggles with? Is the information presented in a useful format like a guide or a checklist? Even if you’re happy with its performance, keep exploring ways to make it even more effective. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows that you already have a way to gather customer information...but how well is it working? Does it help resolve a pain point or problem your customer struggles with? Is the information presented in a useful format like a guide or a checklist? Even if you’re happy with its performance, keep exploring ways to make it even more effective. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows that you already have a way to gather customer information...but how well is it working? Does it help resolve a pain point or problem your customer struggles with? Is the information presented in a useful format like a guide or a checklist? Even if you’re happy with its performance, keep exploring ways to make it even more effective. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows that you already have a way to gather customer information...but how well is it working? Does it help resolve a pain point or problem your customer struggles with? Is the information presented in a useful format like a guide or a checklist? Even if you’re happy with its performance, keep exploring ways to make it even more effective. Convert YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve never had an experience with your brand before is a lot to ask. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship with them. Based on your score, you may already have an offer like this. However, if you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journey. Convert YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve never had an experience with your brand before is a lot to ask. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship with them. Based on your score, you may already have an offer like this. However, if you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journey. Convert YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve never had an experience with your brand before is a lot to ask. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship with them. Based on your score, you may already have an offer like this. However, if you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journey. Convert YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve never had an experience with your brand before is a lot to ask. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship with them. Based on your score, you may already have an offer like this. However, if you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journeyLearn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Excite YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Based on your results, this bridge is still under construction, and content is a great way to create excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Excite YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Based on your results, this bridge is still under construction, and content is a great way to create excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Excite YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Based on your results, this bridge is still under construction, and content is a great way to create excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Excite YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Based on your results, this bridge is still under construction, and content is a great way to create excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Ascend YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make a second purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. While you may already sell some additional products or services, you can expand your customer’s adventure by considering other things you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Ascend YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make a second purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. While you may already sell some additional products or services, you can expand your customer’s adventure by considering other things you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Ascend YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make a second purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. While you may already sell some additional products or services, you can expand your customer’s adventure by considering other things you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Ascend YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make a second purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. While you may already sell some additional products or services, you can expand your customer’s adventure by considering other things you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Advocate YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. While you may already have some customers singing your praises, there’s always room for more ways to get feedback. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Also, once you’ve got those reviews, don’t forget to use them! Customer testimonials work great as content for emails, blog posts, infographics and more. Advocate YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. While you may already have some customers singing your praises, there’s always room for more ways to get feedback. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Also, once you’ve got those reviews, don’t forget to use them! Customer testimonials work great as content for emails, blog posts, infographics and more. Advocate YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. While you may already have some customers singing your praises, there’s always room for more ways to get feedback. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Also, once you’ve got those reviews, don’t forget to use them! Customer testimonials work great as content for emails, blog posts, infographics and more. Advocate YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. While you may already have some customers singing your praises, there’s always room for more ways to get feedback. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Also, once you’ve got those reviews, don’t forget to use them! Customer testimonials work great as content for emails, blog posts, infographics and more. Promote YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for your customer. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger the bridge between each stage is, the bigger their adventure will be. Promote YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for your customer. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger the bridge between each stage is, the bigger their adventure will be. Promote YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for your customer. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger the bridge between each stage is, the bigger their adventure will be. Promote YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for your customer. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger the bridge between each stage is, the bigger their adventure will be.or Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Rating Awareness YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. Based on your results, you’ve already got some tools in place to create awareness in these areas. However, your customer’s GPS can still use some fine-tuning. The way people respond to ads can evolve, so it’s important to continue split testing and optimizing your campaigns to ensure that they continue to be successful. Awareness YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. Based on your results, you’ve already got some tools in place to create awareness in these areas. However, your customer’s GPS can still use some fine-tuning. The way people respond to ads can evolve, so it’s important to continue split testing and optimizing your campaigns to ensure that they continue to be successful. Awareness YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. Based on your results, you’ve already got some tools in place to create awareness in these areas. However, your customer’s GPS can still use some fine-tuning. The way people respond to ads can evolve, so it’s important to continue split testing and optimizing your campaigns to ensure that they continue to be successful. Awareness YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. Based on your results, you’ve already got some tools in place to create awareness in these areas. However, your customer’s GPS can still use some fine-tuning. The way people respond to ads can evolve, so it’s important to continue split testing and optimizing your campaigns to ensure that they continue to be successful. Engagement YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading aa review. It looks from your score like you’ve got a great website in place and are already engaging your customers of tomorrow with intriguing, creative content that shows what you’re all about. But there’s always room to keep refining your approach. Are there any pop culture trends that your customers are into that you can base content around? Can you adapt a viral meme to somehow fit your product or service? Creative, relevant content is critical to getting engagement and completing this bridge. Engagement YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading aa review. It looks from your score like you’ve got a great website in place and are already engaging your customers of tomorrow with intriguing, creative content that shows what you’re all about. But there’s always room to keep refining your approach. Are there any pop culture trends that your customers are into that you can base content around? Can you adapt a viral meme to somehow fit your product or service? Creative, relevant content is critical to getting engagement and completing this bridge. Engagement YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading aa review. It looks from your score like you’ve got a great website in place and are already engaging your customers of tomorrow with intriguing, creative content that shows what you’re all about. But there’s always room to keep refining your approach. Are there any pop culture trends that your customers are into that you can base content around? Can you adapt a viral meme to somehow fit your product or service? Creative, relevant content is critical to getting engagement and completing this bridge. Engagement YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading aa review. It looks from your score like you’ve got a great website in place and are already engaging your customers of tomorrow with intriguing, creative content that shows what you’re all about. But there’s always room to keep refining your approach. Are there any pop culture trends that your customers are into that you can base content around? Can you adapt a viral meme to somehow fit your product or service? Creative, relevant content is critical to getting engagement and completing this bridge. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows that you already have a way to gather customer information...but how well is it working? Does it help resolve a pain point or problem your customer struggles with? Is the information presented in a useful format like a guide or a checklist? Even if you’re happy with its performance, keep exploring ways to make it even more effective. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows that you already have a way to gather customer information...but how well is it working? Does it help resolve a pain point or problem your customer struggles with? Is the information presented in a useful format like a guide or a checklist? Even if you’re happy with its performance, keep exploring ways to make it even more effective. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows that you already have a way to gather customer information...but how well is it working? Does it help resolve a pain point or problem your customer struggles with? Is the information presented in a useful format like a guide or a checklist? Even if you’re happy with its performance, keep exploring ways to make it even more effective. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows that you already have a way to gather customer information...but how well is it working? Does it help resolve a pain point or problem your customer struggles with? Is the information presented in a useful format like a guide or a checklist? Even if you’re happy with its performance, keep exploring ways to make it even more effective. Convert YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve never had an experience with your brand before is a lot to ask. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship with them. Based on your score, you may already have an offer like this. However, if you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journey. Convert YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve never had an experience with your brand before is a lot to ask. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship with them. Based on your score, you may already have an offer like this. However, if you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journey. Convert YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve never had an experience with your brand before is a lot to ask. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship with them. Based on your score, you may already have an offer like this. However, if you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journey. Convert YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve never had an experience with your brand before is a lot to ask. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship with them. Based on your score, you may already have an offer like this. However, if you don’t have a small purchase your leads can make to turn them into customers, consider what that offer might be, as well as how you could pair it with your lead magnet to advance them in their journey.Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Excite YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Based on your results, you’re building a bridge toward greater customer excitement, but it needs to be fortified a little. New content is a great way to create excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Excite YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Based on your results, you’re building a bridge toward greater customer excitement, but it needs to be fortified a little. New content is a great way to create excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Excite YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Based on your results, you’re building a bridge toward greater customer excitement, but it needs to be fortified a little. New content is a great way to create excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Excite YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Based on your results, you’re building a bridge toward greater customer excitement, but it needs to be fortified a little. New content is a great way to create excitement in customers. Offer videos, blog posts, testimonials or even an exclusive customers-only Facebook group to generate enthusiasm that will eventually lead to additional purchases. Ascend YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make another purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. While you may already sell some additional products or services, you can expand your customer’s adventure by considering other things you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Ascend YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make another purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. While you may already sell some additional products or services, you can expand your customer’s adventure by considering other things you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Ascend YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make another purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. While you may already sell some additional products or services, you can expand your customer’s adventure by considering other things you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Ascend YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make another purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. While you may already sell some additional products or services, you can expand your customer’s adventure by considering other things you could sell or offers that could add value to their experience with your products. Advocate YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. While you may already have some customers singing your praises, there’s always room for more ways to get feedback. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Also, once you’ve got those reviews, don’t forget to use them! Customer testimonials work great as content for emails, blog posts, infographics and more. Advocate YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. While you may already have some customers singing your praises, there’s always room for more ways to get feedback. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Also, once you’ve got those reviews, don’t forget to use them! Customer testimonials work great as content for emails, blog posts, infographics and more. Advocate YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. While you may already have some customers singing your praises, there’s always room for more ways to get feedback. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Also, once you’ve got those reviews, don’t forget to use them! Customer testimonials work great as content for emails, blog posts, infographics and more. Advocate YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. While you may already have some customers singing your praises, there’s always room for more ways to get feedback. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Also, once you’ve got those reviews, don’t forget to use them! Customer testimonials work great as content for emails, blog posts, infographics and more. Promote YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for the customer. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger those bridges are, the bigger their adventure will be. Promote YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for the customer. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger those bridges are, the bigger their adventure will be. Promote YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for the customer. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger those bridges are, the bigger their adventure will be. Promote YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more perks for the customer.or Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Ratingor Jump Ahead To See Your Lowest Rating Awareness YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. Most people with this score are already running successful Facebook ad campaigns, and if that’s you, congratulations! However...what’s speaking to customers today won’t always work tomorrow. Keep optimizing, testing and paying attention to what your ideal customer needs to see. Awareness YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. Most people with this score are already running successful Facebook ad campaigns, and if that’s you, congratulations! However...what’s speaking to customers today won’t always work tomorrow. Keep optimizing, testing and paying attention to what your ideal customer needs to see. Awareness YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. Most people with this score are already running successful Facebook ad campaigns, and if that’s you, congratulations! However...what’s speaking to customers today won’t always work tomorrow. Keep optimizing, testing and paying attention to what your ideal customer needs to see. Awareness YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE The Awareness stage is where your customer first hears of your product or service. This can happen through a Facebook ad, a referral from a friend or family member or a Google search. Most people with this score are already running successful Facebook ad campaigns, and if that’s you, congratulations! However...what’s speaking to customers today won’t always work tomorrow. Keep optimizing, testing and paying attention to what your ideal customer needs to see. Engagement YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading aa review. Your score shows you have great content on your website—videos, blog posts, resources, cool graphics and more. But good content needs to be current, relevant and appealing to your visitors’ interests and needs. Like online advertising, it’s not enough to live and die on the same strategy, no matter how successful it might be right now. Are you optimizing your blog posts for popular keywords? If not, this is also a great way to draw visitors to your website. Start looking into search engine optimization strategies to get your blog posts into the top spots on your customers’ Google searches. Engagement YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading aa review. Your score shows you have great content on your website—videos, blog posts, resources, cool graphics and more. But good content needs to be current, relevant and appealing to your visitors’ interests and needs. Like online advertising, it’s not enough to live and die on the same strategy, no matter how successful it might be right now. Are you optimizing your blog posts for popular keywords? If not, this is also a great way to draw visitors to your website. Start looking into search engine optimization strategies to get your blog posts into the top spots on your customers’ Google searches. Engagement YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading aa review. Your score shows you have great content on your website—videos, blog posts, resources, cool graphics and more. But good content needs to be current, relevant and appealing to your visitors’ interests and needs. Like online advertising, it’s not enough to live and die on the same strategy, no matter how successful it might be right now. Are you optimizing your blog posts for popular keywords? If not, this is also a great way to draw visitors to your website. Start looking into search engine optimization strategies to get your blog posts into the top spots on your customers’ Google searches. Engagement YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE The Engagement stage is where customers go from finding out who you are to taking some kind of action to learn more. This can include reading a blog post, watching a video, viewing an infographic or reading aa review. Your score shows you have great content on your website—videos, blog posts, resources, cool graphics and more. But good content needs to be current, relevant and appealing to your visitors’ interests and needs. Like online advertising, it’s not enough to live and die on the same strategy, no matter how successful it might be right now. Are you optimizing your blog posts for popular keywords? If not, this is also a great way to draw visitors to your website. Start looking into search engine optimization strategies to get your blog posts into the top spots on your customers’ Google searches. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows that you already have a way to gather customer information...but how well is it working? Does it help resolve a pain point or problem your customer struggles with? Is the information presented in a useful format like a guide or a checklist? Even if you’re happy with its performance, keep exploring ways to make it even more effective. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows that you already have a way to gather customer information...but how well is it working? Does it help resolve a pain point or problem your customer struggles with? Is the information presented in a useful format like a guide or a checklist? Even if you’re happy with its performance, keep exploring ways to make it even more effective. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows that you already have a way to gather customer information...but how well is it working? Does it help resolve a pain point or problem your customer struggles with? Is the information presented in a useful format like a guide or a checklist? Even if you’re happy with its performance, keep exploring ways to make it even more effective. Subscribe YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE The bridge from engaging with your content to becoming a subscriber is one of the most vital of the entire journey. This is where your prospect provides their email address in exchange for a lead magnet, a high value piece of content they provide contact information to receive. Without a way to subscribe, you leave a gaping hole between your would-be customers learning who you are and taking real action to buy. Your score shows that you already have a way to gather customer information...but how well is it working? Does it help resolve a pain point or problem your customer struggles with? Is the information presented in a useful format like a guide or a checklist? Even if you’re happy with its performance, keep exploring ways to make it even more effective. Convert YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve never had an experience with your brand before is a lot to ask. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship with them. Based on your score, you may already have an entry offer that exists to turn leads into customers. However, if you’re not seeing the amount of sales you want, consider how well your offer connects with the lead magnet and whether you are starting the right conversation to lead them to make a purchase. Convert YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve never had an experience with your brand before is a lot to ask. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship with them. Based on your score, you may already have an entry offer that exists to turn leads into customers. However, if you’re not seeing the amount of sales you want, consider how well your offer connects with the lead magnet and whether you are starting the right conversation to lead them to make a purchase. Convert YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve never had an experience with your brand before is a lot to ask. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship with them. Based on your score, you may already have an entry offer that exists to turn leads into customers. However, if you’re not seeing the amount of sales you want, consider how well your offer connects with the lead magnet and whether you are starting the right conversation to lead them to make a purchase. Convert YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE This is perhaps the most important stop your customer will make on their journey because it’s where they make an actual purchase. This happens through a tripwire offer, a high value product you sell for a low price whose purpose is to turn leads into paying customers. For many customers, paying full price for your product when they’ve never had an experience with your brand before is a lot to ask. A less expensive offer can lower their resistance and let you get a foot in the door to keep building a relationship with them. Based on your score, you may already have an entry offer that exists to turn leads into customers. However, if you’re not seeing the amount of sales you want, consider how well your offer connects with the lead magnet and whether you are starting the right conversation to lead them to make a purchase. Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Learn How You Can Raise Your Lowest Score in Under 5 Minutes Watch the Video Excite YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Based on your results, you’re doing the work to follow up with your new customers by providing content that generates enthusiasm about your brand. Continue thinking about what additional strategies you can create to draw your new customers to purchase your main product or service. Excite YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Based on your results, you’re doing the work to follow up with your new customers by providing content that generates enthusiasm about your brand. Continue thinking about what additional strategies you can create to draw your new customers to purchase your main product or service. Excite YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Based on your results, you’re doing the work to follow up with your new customers by providing content that generates enthusiasm about your brand. Continue thinking about what additional strategies you can create to draw your new customers to purchase your main product or service. Excite YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your new customer has made a purchase and this is the time to get them excited about the value your products bring. Typically, you deliver some kind of quick win or positive result that reveals the benefit of your products and makes your brand memorable. Based on your results, you’re doing the work to follow up with your new customers by providing content that generates enthusiasm about your brand. Continue thinking about what additional strategies you can create to draw your new customers to purchase your main product or service. Ascend YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make another purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. Most people who achieve this score already sell products in addition to the one they’re known for. But if you don’t have more stuff for your new customers to buy, all that excitement you generated will quickly fizzle out. Figure out what products could supplement what you’re already selling to propel customers forward in their journey. Ascend YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make another purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. Most people who achieve this score already sell products in addition to the one they’re known for. But if you don’t have more stuff for your new customers to buy, all that excitement you generated will quickly fizzle out. Figure out what products could supplement what you’re already selling to propel customers forward in their journey. Ascend YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make another purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. Most people who achieve this score already sell products in addition to the one they’re known for. But if you don’t have more stuff for your new customers to buy, all that excitement you generated will quickly fizzle out. Figure out what products could supplement what you’re already selling to propel customers forward in their journey. Ascend YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your new customers cross this bridge when they make another purchase, and when they do, you want to have other products in place so they will continue buying more. Products that they can use with their initial purchase, bundles and kits and other accessories are great examples. Having one product you specialize in is great...but if you really want to ensure that customers keep coming back AND tell their friends, you’ll have a diverse array of merchandise to choose from every time they return to your business or store. Most people who achieve this score already sell products in addition to the one they’re known for. But if you don’t have more stuff for your new customers to buy, all that excitement you generated will quickly fizzle out. Figure out what products could supplement what you’re already selling to propel customers forward in their journey. Advocate YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. While you may already have some customers singing your praises, there’s always room for more ways to get feedback. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Also, once you’ve got those reviews, don’t forget to use them! Customer testimonials work great as content for emails, blog posts, infographics and more. Advocate YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. While you may already have some customers singing your praises, there’s always room for more ways to get feedback. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Also, once you’ve got those reviews, don’t forget to use them! Customer testimonials work great as content for emails, blog posts, infographics and more. Advocate YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. While you may already have some customers singing your praises, there’s always room for more ways to get feedback. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Also, once you’ve got those reviews, don’t forget to use them! Customer testimonials work great as content for emails, blog posts, infographics and more. Advocate YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your customers have now made multiple purchases and are nearing the summit of their destination! Because they’ve had a great experience, they’re now starting to tell other people about you in the form of reviews, testimonials, social media posts and more. While you may already have some customers singing your praises, there’s always room for more ways to get feedback. Consider what incentives you could give in exchange for customer reviews and testimonials, including coupons or other rewards. Also, once you’ve got those reviews, don’t forget to use them! Customer testimonials work great as content for emails, blog posts, infographics and more. Promote YOUR SCORE: CRITICAL ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger those bridges are, the bigger their adventure will be. Promote YOUR SCORE: DANGEROUS ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger those bridges are, the bigger their adventure will be. Promote YOUR SCORE: CAUTION ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger those bridges are, the bigger their adventure will be. Promote YOUR SCORE: SAFE TO CROSS ZONE Your customer has successfully reached their destination! They’ve undergone a transformation as a result of your product or service that becomes complete when they become invested in telling everyone they can about you. This typically happens through referrals to friends and family, which often come with commissions, discounts, affiliate partnerships and more. So if your customers aren’t referring other people to can you inspire or motivate them to do it? The biggest way is to address the half-built bridges you have in other stages of their journey—the stronger those bridges are, the bigger their adventure will be.NOW THAT YOU'VE REVIEWED YOUR BROKEN BRIDGES, LET'S START TO REPAIR THEM. Learn How To Create Compelling Offers So You Can Motivate Customers Toward Future Purchases in under 5 Minutes WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:AWARENESS STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare Learn How To Create Compelling Offers So You Can Motivate Customers Toward Future Purchases in under 5 Minutes WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:ENGAGE STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare Learn How To Create Compelling Offers So You Can Motivate Customers Toward Future Purchases in under 5 Minutes WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:SUBSCRIBE STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare Learn How To Create Compelling Offers So You Can Motivate Customers Toward Future Purchases in under 5 Minutes WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:CONVERT STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare Learn How To Create Compelling Offers So You Can Motivate Customers Toward Future Purchases in under 5 Minutes WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:EXCITE STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare Learn How To Create Compelling Offers So You Can Motivate Customers Toward Future Purchases in under 5 Minutes WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:ASCEND STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare Learn How To Create Compelling Offers So You Can Motivate Customers Toward Future Purchases in under 5 Minutes WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:ADVOCATE STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare Learn How To Create Compelling Offers So You Can Motivate Customers Toward Future Purchases in under 5 Minutes WATCH 5 MINUTE TRAINING:PROMOTE STAGE Challenge your friends to score their business! TweetSharePinShare TweetSharePinShare